Courses I’d Do Again

Some products on this page have affiliate links, and if you make a purchase, I may make a commission. Which honestly I appreciate and keeps this site going. Regardless, I’d never recommend something I haven’t personally used, and that’s why not all products on this page have affiliate links – I truly want you to see the most practical trainings that I have experience using to empower remote teams and leaders.

8 Week Clarity Accelerator

I took this 2 month program in the Spring of 2019, so I am in year 3 of a 5 year Vision. I am living so many parts of my Vision and I am happier than I've been in a long time. Not gonna lie, the past few years have been really really tough, so it's amazing to see myself write that statement and truly fully believe it! 

  • I had a little solo dance party this morning while I made my coffee and thought about how far I've come in three short years. I went through the big D and don't mean Dallas ;), lost 2 jobs and had to start completely over across the country. 

    And... I am skiing again, I got "custody" of both dogs, I rekindled a bunch of friendships, I soak in the hot springs weekly, I bought a beautiful home in a cool town in Colorado, and I'm currently renovating the first floor into an apartment that will cover my entire mortgage. 

    None of that would have happened if I had goals like “lose 10 lbs” or “make more money”. Visioning creates a holistic, successful reality, rather than constantly reminding you where you’re not measuring up.

  • A self-paced Visioning program for driven leaders so you can clarify what you ultimately want for your whole life (not just your business), create the roadmap to get there, and gain an internal compass to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities along the way.

    This program brings together a proven, step-by-step Visioning process, an intimate group of fellow leaders and access to personalized feedback, guidance, and support from top Visioning coach Lois Weinblatt. All on one *actually* private platform where you can ask anything, or join weekly office hours for live feedback.

    You’ll walk away with clarity on what you ultimately want (personally, professionally, financially, spiritually, and in your relationships) and the roadmap to get there.

  • A complimentary Onboarding Session with Lois (45 minutes) so you can get the absolute most out of the program.

    Lifetime access to the 8 Week Clarify Accelerator video guides to clarify your Vision and the roadmap to get there.

    Special pricing on a la carte 1:1 Coaching Sessions.

    A community of fellow leaders going on the same journey that you are.

    Personalized support from Lois through weekly office hours.

    Individualized feedback whenever you post a question in the community or message directly through the True North Visionaries platform.

    Access to the library of Visionary resources and tools that support your ongoing Visionary leadership.

Get 30% off (!!!) with code BEENREMOTE

Small exercises

I like these programs because they’re short, cheap, and if you do them every 5 years and get the same scores like I do, they feel reliable. They won’t replace therapy or visioning, but they’ll certainly help you learn more about yourself. When you understand some of your traits and patterns, you’re more apt to be able to observe and become self-aware of your behaviors.

Image of the types of temperaments under Keirsey Source: Keirsey


Under the Keirsey temperament sorter, I’m an ISTJ or Guardian Inspector, which means I’m reliable, hard-working, trustworthy and careful. This is an old test, similar to the Myers Briggs but different types.

Screenshot of Clifton Strengthsfinder test Source: Clifton Strengthsfinder

Clifton Strengthsfinder

Through Strengthsfinder I learned that my top strengths are all “developer” strengths, which means I thrive when I’m supporting people, so I leaned into managing and was glad I did. Get your top 5 strengths for $19.99 (sorry, no coupon code).

Image of 16 personalities homepage with characters representing personality traits. Source: 16 Personalities

16 Personalities

I like this one because it’s free and combined with the Keirsey test, feels like it really validates both of the other tests. Under 16 personalities I’m The Advocate, which means I really believe in doing what’s right and in supporting others.